Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Picture

Flashback: It is the spring of 1999, and 21 year old Rachel is graduating from American University, the last class of the century. She is about to take off to Israel, for a year of volunteer work and study. We have traveled to Washington, D.C. for the occasion with our 24 year old son Marc, and our two mothers. Marc is working in New York and going to graduate school. John and I are fully engrossed in our careers in Connecticut. There is a lot of promise on the horizon.


It is January 28, 2010 and I am looking at the happy family picture that we just had taken last month. The picture includes Marc and his wife Cheryl with their two children, Max and Hannah; Rachel and her husband Jon with their two children, Nathaniel and Evelyn; and me and John. I wanted to have the picture taken to capture a moment in time when everyone in the family was happy. As I looked over the picture, I realized that while the last decade had brought us to this happy period, it was filled with the multitude of difficulties that life inevitably involves. Still, we had made it through, and grown as a family in numbers and in strength.

I guess that's why the picture was so important to me, to celebrate our collective happiness.
As Rachel put it, the picture represents a moment in time when our dreams, as a family, had come true. Whatever was in the past, whatever is in the future, I will always remember this moment in time with gratitude, and all of the wonderful people in the picture, who shared this moment with me, with love.

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